BOSTON.COM2009.06.07. 11:47, annamariiii
Eliza nyilatkozott a a Wetrl.
Dushku jtkban van
Amg a Dollhouse msodik vadjnak felvtelre vr, Eliza Dushku nagyon elfoglalt. Elkaptuk a watertowni lnyt a htvgn az Electronic Entertaining Expon Los Angelesben, ahol a Wetet, egy j viedjtkot reklmozott. A jtkban a 28 ves sznszn Rubi Malone-t jtsza, az akrobatikus, whisky-imd, kardforgat, fegyverbrl lnyt. A Wet a Bethesa Softworks jvoltbl kszlt a Maryland-based cg ltal, amely a The Elder Score sorozatot s a djnyertes Fallout 3-at is ksztette. A Wet egy olyan stilizlt akcijtk, ami gy nz ki, mint egy Quentin Tarantino film. Dushku, aki a hangjt klcsnzi a jtkhoz azt mondta, lvezi a jtkot. "Ez csodlatos, s imdom ezt a 'Kill Bill' kinzetet" mondta a sznszn, a karaktert "Jack Daniels-magabiztos, kkemny lny"-nak hvva. Dushku azt is elmeslte, hogy nemsokra visszamegy Bostonba, hogy egy filmet forgasson Ben Barnessal s Brenda Frickerrel. s a romncrl Celtic Rick Fox-szal? Dushku nem nyilatkozott.
Dushku's in the game
While she waits for the second season of Joss Whedon's "Dollhouse" to start shooting, actress Eliza Dushku is staying busy. We caught up with the Watertown native this week at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in LA, where she was hyping Wet, a new video game in which the 28-year-old actress plays Rubi Malone, an acrobatic, whiskey-guzzling, sword-swinging, gun-for-hire. Created by Bethesda Softworks, the Maryland-based company that also developed The Elder Scrolls series and the award-winning Fallout 3, Wet is a stylized action game that looks like a Quentin Tarantino movie. Dushku, who lends her voice to the game, said she enjoys playing tough. "It's awesome, and I love that 'Kill Bill' look," said the actress, calling her character a "Jack Daniels-confident, hard-as-nails girl." Dushku told us she'll be back in Boston soon to make a movie with Ben Barnes and Brenda Fricker. And about her relationship with former Celtic Rick Fox? Dushku wouldn't dish.